ThingsDB prompt

ThingsPrompt is a shell client for ThingsDB, useful for making simple queries, collection imports, and exports.

usage: things-prompt [-h] [--node NODE] [--port PORT] [--user USER]
                     [--password PASSWORD] [--token TOKEN] [--scope SCOPE]
                     [--timeout TIMEOUT] [--ssl] [--version]
                     {export,import} ...

positional arguments:
  {export,import}       sub-command help
    export              export a collection
    import              export a collection

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --node NODE, -n NODE  node address
  --port PORT           TCP port where the node is listening on for API calls
  --user USER, -u USER  user name
  --password PASSWORD, -p PASSWORD
                        password, will be prompted if not given
  --token TOKEN, -t TOKEN
                        token key
  --scope SCOPE, -s SCOPE
                        set the initial scope
  --timeout TIMEOUT     connect and query timeout in seconds
  --ssl                 enable secure connection (SSL/TLS)
  --version             print version and exit